The Shasti Association sponsors a number of humanitarian projects to further its goal of fostering planetary evolution and helping individuals in need. At present, the following projects are ongoing:
Seeds of Love
Through a collaboration with a shopkeeper in Dharamsala, India, bags of rice are given to destitute individuals and families. The shopkeeper identifies worthy recipients and the Shasti Association donates the bags of rice. To date over three dozen individuals and families have been assisted.
The Shasti Association regularly makes donations of books and booklets to individuals, groups, libraries and organizations. To date this had included making books of Trigueirnho and Paul Brunton available to prisoners in Florida and South Dakota, donations of complete sets of the Notebooks of Paul Brunton to libraries and spiritual centers, and donations to hundreds of individuals in the United States, Europe, Africa, South American, and India.
We are particularly excited about our work making spiritual literature available to individuals in prisons. At present we have two library prison projects which we encourage you to consider donating to: Broward Country Florida Book Prison Project. This project has been in existence since 2011 and has placed over 6,300 English and Spanish copies of book written by Triguierinho in the hands of prisoners. The books are distributed to inmates in the four local jail facilities (Main Jail Bureau, North Broward Bureau, Central Intake Bureau and the Paul Rein Facility).
The following is quoted from a June 2016 letter of appreciation from Chaplain Israel Francois: “I just want to let you know how much we appreciate your support of our Prison Outreach… Your donations have been very helpful when we are responding to the many requests by inmates… Thank you for working with us. I pray that God will continue to bless you.”
Wounsepe Wowapi (Books of Wisdom – Books of Knowledge)
Our newest book distribution project places spiritual literature in thehands of Indigenous Lakota inmates from the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in South Dakota. We are working with some very inspired tribal leaders who regularly visit the prisons and who offer traditional spiritual practices in addition to sharing compatible teachings from the outside culture to empower the prisoners to make the necessary changes in their lives in order to stay out of jail.
Weekly Crop Circle Screen Savers. Crop circles, mysterious geometric patterns that spontaneously appear imprinted in fields of grain, have been appearing in England since the 1980’s and have now appeared in dozens of other countries including Austria, Belgium, Czechslovakia, France, Holland, Italy, Brazil, Russia and the United States, among others. Many believe that these circles bring messages for humanity and that they contain “codes” or subtle, intelligent information, that are needed by humanity for its evolution. A crop circle serves as an excellent object of meditation. To assist with this, the Shasti Association makes available on a monthly basis a crop circle for each week to be posted on an individual’s computer as a screen saver, or for contemplation in some other format. In this way, the energy of meditating on the crop circle is multiplied by the fact that dozens of other individuals are meditating on the same circle at the same time. To subscribe contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Donations to like-minded Organizations
From time to time the Shasti Association provides financial assistance to other organizations that are working to foster planetary evolution, heal the planet earth, and assist individuals in need. These organizations have included: Association Mary ( The Community of Light of Figueira (
If you have any questions about these projects or would like to make a donation please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To ensure that your donation is assigned to the project of your choice, please make sure to have your donation amount ending in the appropriate amount as follows:
.20 Undesignated
.30 Seeds of Love
.40 Broward County Prison Project
.50 Woksape Wowapi – Wounsepe Wowapi Prison Project
.60 Association Mary
.70 Community of Figueira
If you would like to make a donation to assist us in any of these projects click here.
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